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FREE Healing from Trauma Workshop returns...

I thought that after my last traumatic experience, surely I won't make it this time... but here I am, healed and whole & doing better than ever! I'm excited to bring to you the return of my Healing from Trauma Workshop. This 2-hour FREE workshop will give you the opportunity to begin, or elevate your healing journey no matter what you may have gone through!

Trust me! I know, after ALL the things I've been through, that if I can come out shining then SO CAN YOU!

If you've ever found yourself self-sabotaging, procrastinating, having trouble with family or intimate relationships, easily irritable, crying uncontrollably, or even having thoughts of no longer wanting to live... these symptoms are often a sign that there is some unhealed trauma. These are problems that can prevent you from living a happy and healthy life--able to accomplish the things you set your mind to & have peace even when things may not be going your way. Like any problem... there is a solution!

It's time to stop believing that "something is wrong with you" or "you can't be helped"... maybe you think you just "need to get over it". It's time to believe that you deserve to be happy and enjoy each day that you are given! It is possible no matter what you have gone through... and I am living proof of that!

Join me this Saturday, February 5th at 2:00PM EST on ZOOM. Text "DOVE" to 770-626-5075 to be added to my list for FREE ACCESS!

Also, be sure to share this event with a friend! It is so important!

As you may already know, there have been several well-known celebrities who have committed suicide recently. This is an awful reality and my heart goes out to their family and friends. This is also a reminder to always check on others and be empathetic even to the ones who appear to be "STRONG". You never know when someone is finding life unbearable but they wear it well on social media and in public. So don't hesitate to forward this to anyone who comes to mind.

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